prepare people for successful reentry into society He reintroduced the Solitary Confinement Reform Act to limit the use of solitary confinement as well as held hearings on deeply...
preventable In April Durbin introduced the Restricting Solitary Confinement in Immigration Detention Act which would limit the use of solitary confinement by ICE That same month...
giving birth while incarcerated at Atlanta Regional Medical Center and then being held in solitary confinement while postpartum at Lee Arrendale State Prison Ms Karine Laboy...
adequately meet individuals mental health needs has contributed to the pervasive and harmful use of solitary confinement in ICE facilities as well as suicides suicide attempts and...
the federal prison system including conducting rigorous oversight and reducing the use of solitary confinement at a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Criminal Justice and...
hearing entitled Legacy of Harm Eliminating the Abuse of Solitary Confinement The hearing will examine the frequent abuse of solitary confinement in federal custody including...
Committee hearing entitled Legacy of Harm Eliminating the Abuse of Solitary Confinement The hearing examined the frequent abuse of solitary confinement in federal custody including...
legislation to reduce the Federal Bureau of Prisons BOP and the U S Marshals Service s use of solitary confinement and improve conditions for adults in custody separated from the...
Schatz D HI today introduced legislation to combat the rampant and unnecessary overuse of solitary confinement in U S Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE operated and ICE...
Enforcement ICE Acting Director Patrick Lechleitner calling for ICE to limit and phase out solitary confinement In addition to Durbin Markey and Warren the letter is signed by U S...