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Feinstein on Violation of Victims’ Rights in Epstein Case

Washington—Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today issued the following statement on a federal district court ruling that federal prosecutors, including then U.S. Attorney and now Labor Secretary Alex Acosta violated the Crime Victims’ Rights Act in securing a plea deal with Jeffrey Epstein.

“I authored the Crime Victims’ Rights Act with Senator Jon Kyl in 2004. The law was enacted to ensure victims were kept informed throughout the legal process and given the opportunity to be heard in court.

“As the judge noted in his decision, ‘[w]hen the Government gives information to victims, it cannot be misleading.’ In his role as U.S. attorney, Alex Acosta met with Jeffrey Epstein’s attorney, who subsequently thanked Acosta for his pledge to not contact ‘any of the identified individuals, potential witnesses or potential civil claimants in this matter and their respective counsel in this matter.’

“This law was meant to protect victims from people precisely like Jeffrey Epstein, and it works when prosecutors follow it. The law was not followed in this case.”
